Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gluten and Dairy foods...

We've not headed down this path till now, and after a brief conversation with Donna's delightful daughter, I purchased A2 milk yesterday (assuming Grace would be able to tell it wasnt her 'usual' beverage!) and its delicious! I loved it.....and guess who didn't notice!!! It seems a bit expensive, but if it means keeping dairy in her diet - bring it on! Donna, is there anywhere local that seems to sell it cheaper than Coles??

I also wandered down the health food isle to hunt for the cereal K said was nice (I think she said Crunchola??) but didnt see one that was Gluten free, other than the rice flakes, puffs & muesli...has anyone tried any of these??

This is the website for Freedom foods, they make the A2 milk and seem to produce several other GF options. Click on the A2 icon and it takes you to some interesting media reports on this milk.....specifically mentioning Autism. Im going to pop the pancake mix, cookies and wraps on my next shopping list. Tried the potato chips....which Griffin & I loved, but Grace didnt, will keep offering it and see!

Ladies - Share your favorite GF product with us! Or if there are any recipies your kids love, or GF cookbooks you use......let us know. Also, anyone know of yoghurt that may be along the lines of the A2 milk??


  1. Hi Deb,

    We have put Kyle onto fresh cows milk. We have a cow at the farm that they milk. It's made a difference also because he was lactose intolorant. Sometimes at farmers markets you can buy milk for a lot cheaper, just make sure it's registered and legal! A2 milk is generally from jersey cows that's the difference.

  2. Hi Deb, I dont know of anywhere cheaper then Coles for A2 milk it is expensive but for us worth it.

    Kirsty likes cocobombs cereal which we only get every now and again. There are other GF cereals in the healthfood section you just have to go hunting for them. I think Basco makes apple and apricot muesli which Kirsty loves. Basco makes a nice GF flour bread mix which makes a good Pizza base although it doesn't like being worked it just gets sticky and hard to play with.

    Almost all Coles sausages are GF using rice flour instead of wheat.

    In the health food section on the top shelf is a product called Tamari. It is wheat free soy sauce and it is lovely. we use it a lot.

    I also love the maggi and basco cassarole mixes.
    Particularly Maggi satay chicken and lamb casserloe adn Bascos beef stroganoff.again in the health food section.

    There are some nice GF biscuits and slices for treats

    my favourite home made cooking at the moment is chicken bakes with paprika, garlic and chilli or chicken with tamari and honey.

    It's worth takeing the time to have a real brouse through teh health food section.
    It's also worth contacting the Mars food company for a list of GF food they make.
    e.g. a lot of Dolmio is GF,Masterfoods marinages, Kantong and UncleBen's rice is GF
    I have a three page list of all their GF food.

    It's worht the effort it made such a difference for my girl.
