Thursday, November 26, 2009 new best friend!

I just wanted to share with you how brilliant I am finding my weekly sessions of Pilates (twice weekly if I'm feeling indulgent & can get child care/creche lol!)

For those of you who dont know me, I definately DONT enjoy excercise, and definately dont run, jog, pump or lift stuff unless required!! So I am far from a fitness nut, but have to say how noticable the benifits have been since starting a few months ago.

Yes, there has been a little toning and weight loss...but that isn't the main benifit. It's the hour of complete, selfish, centering time all to myself, there is plently of stretching, core-work (great for post-bubbie stuff) and strengthening exercises, but the last 5 or so minutes of relaxation, with a lavender pillow on my eyes and the instructors soothing voice encouraging every mussel to relax, recharge and breathing deeply to release stress, is more benificial than anything I've ever done!

The class I attend is a great mix of people from their 20's to their 70's all shapes and sizes, and everyone keeps comming back! There are several types of pilates around, some use fitballs and scary looking exquipment, but this is just floorwork (kinda like yoga)

I'm in Dunsborough, but have asked my instructor to get back to me with details of similar classes in Busselton & Margaret River if anyone is keen to give it a go! Will post those details when I hear from her.

Today was especially brilliant, as we'd had one one 'those' mornings...Griffin winging and screaming at me from the moment he woke, and Grace melting down over the velcro on her shoes! It felt like an hour long hug from a good friend, giving me time to regroup and get back on track for the day. Im pretty sure it would have spiraled if Id not gone to its looking like a good day now :)

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