Friday, November 6, 2009


Just drawing your attention to the ‘LINKS’ section on the right hand side of this page. Keep an eye out as we add new links when we find good ones!

The two I’ve put up so far are….

Speaking of Speech

“BOARDMAKER is an incredibly useful library of symbols and drawing program for creating no end of materials to support the communication, behavioral, and curricular needs of your students”

I’m planning to use some of these images etc for Grace’s social stories. If anyone has used boardmaker before, please let us know how it’s gone for you.

Aspergers Support WA

“This is a support group for parents, children, partners and siblings of those with Aspergers and High Functioning Autism. For those seeking professional help we will aim to provide comprehensive information and contact details of qualified professionals”

Just found this one today! Will email them & explore this further, maybe we can link up with them??


  1. I was told boardmaker is very very expensive. BUT you can purchase it for a trial and get a heap of resources before your trial period runs out I believe.

  2. I'd heard that too Donna, and a little birdie mentioned there may be the option of a free trial, prior to any outlay. Will hunt around!
