Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Parent hood

Hi everyone,it's been a while, hope everyone is going okay. Been meaning to post for a few weeks now because I've got stuck on watching parenthood on GWN on Tuesday nights, late but I get sucked in everytime. There is a couple with an Autistic boy and it is very interesting to watch how the parents are dealing with it and family. I know it's a TV show but the producers must have done their homework because it is so close to home including the reactions received.

For the rest, we at home are having a good number of weeks and enjoying a beautiful boy, who even had a good muck around with my husband without getting upset at any stage. It was just hard work getting Kyle to end it.☺We haven't seen this amount of humour for ages and it just made our day.

Kyle is doing guitar lessons and loving it and he has even taken to playing the guitar to calm down which was our whole idea behind it, not that we told him that. It is definantly worth it and Kyle is doing really well too.

Well that's us at the moment,
take care everyone,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elaine,

    Nice to hear from you hun. Everyone has been so busy lately, time is drifiting isnt it!

    Im really pleased to hear Kyle is enjoying the guitar - how fantastic!! I hope he gets hours, and hours......and hours of enjoyment from it :)

    I have been watching Parenthood and it is very well done isnt it. A little hollywood at times, but the core of it is pretty accurate. Ive been trying to get more sleep these days so miss it from time to time, hopefully we'll be able to pick it up on DVD soon and I can see what Ive missed.

    All kinda ok here, Grace has had a tough few months, more of the usual stuff and heaps of anxiety. I feel Im coping fairly well, but just feel sad for her most days - poor luvvie :(

    Will be planning a couple of catch-ups soon. A coffee morning for mums and either a Christmas or new year family day....will lock something away soon. Have two busy weeks comming up, and 3 trips to Perth in so many weeks Argggggg!!!

    Miss ya, catch up soon.
